Letters to the Editor


Letter to the Editor, The Single Pistol Duel.

Former President Trump was not and shouldn't have been viewed by the conventional standards of what people understand to be the acceptable temperament and standards of a modern president. In 2016, no one voted for Donald Trump because they thought he was going to be some great historic figure, they voted for him because he spoke to them about their concerns.

In 2020, a return to acceptable standards and temperament was accepted by the voters in the guise of one Joe Biden, stressing that he was going to normalize and unite the nation. The current sad state of affairs, both domestically and internationally, are proof positive of the old cliché 'elections have consequences.'

Today, another election-year, we have President Biden traveling the country with a stumbling and bumbling display, consisting of selected subjects, e.g., abortion and climate, targeted at a sprinkling of interested attendees. There are certainly not a lot of words directed at his accomplishments or how he'll address the standing problems of the day. You can't blame him, in looking back at the past 3 1/2 years; he certainly doesn't have anything to brag about.

While Biden's unimpressive campaign effort continues, his opponent, former president Donald Trump finds himself off the campaign trail, in one court or another, fending off spurious criminal charges. The charges and conduct of the cases brought forth so far, beg to be thrown out on appeal, but that's not the point – any mandatory time spent in court keeps Trump of the campaign trail. In days of yesteryear, settling differences by dueling was accepted within the norms of proper etiquette, but it was also required that each opponent received a pistol.

Enough said. Anthony C. Powers

Letters must contain appropriate language and focus on issues rather than individuals, must be signed and no longer than 350 words in length. Limit two letters per month per writer. The View editorial staff reserves the right not to publish any letter deemed offensive, or malicious. Submit letters to: editor@greenhornvalleyview. com