Letters to the Editor


Letter to the Editor:

I wish to openly express my gratitude for your informative and enlightening Editorial of August 3rd on Proposition HH. The public desperately needs to hear the truth regarding the HH Proposition being heavily weighted to advance the Polis agenda of stripping Coloradans of their TABOR rights. It is most definitely worded to disguise a fraudulent bait ‘n switch of the first order. Thank you and the GVV staff for your courage, support of integrity to your niche of media and your loyalty to all Coloradans.

Sometimes it is the smaller, community oriented news media who, without the burden of mega corporate considerations, bravely bolster our faith in freedom of the press. Bravo!

Gordon W MacAlister

Letters must contain appropriate language and focus on issues rather than individuals, must be signed and no longer than 350 words in length.

Limit two letters per month per writer. The View editorial staff reserves the right not to publish any letter deemed offensive, or malicious. Submit letters to: editor@greenhornvalleyview.com