Letters to the Editor


Biden is President of the once great United Stats of America. To the rest of the world, he is the United States of America. To the citizens of the US, he represents each and every one of us in all that he does. So, when he gaffs, goes mentally off into space, gets lost on his way off of a stage, talks gibberish and my favorite “God Bless the Queen”, I don’t believe he only embarrasses himself. He embarrasses the United States and each and every one of us who love and believe in this country. So, for actual truth in journalism, “Biden Again Embarrasses the entire United States at the UN”.

Steven LaHue Colorado City

Letters must contain appropriate language and focus on issues rather than individuals, must be signed and no longer than 350 words in length. Limit two letters per month per writer. The View editorial staff reserves the right not to publish any letter deemed offensive, or malicious. Submit letters to: editor@greenhornvalleyview. com