Anna’s Mission Hosts RHUMC Fall Fair



  • Members of the Anna's Mission team pose in front of a banner displaying part of the Anna's Mission vision statement. Photo by Shirley Pigg
    Members of the Anna's Mission team pose in front of a banner displaying part of the Anna's Mission vision statement. Photo by Shirley Pigg

Vendors may have started the day at the Fall Fair held at the Rye Home United Methodist Church (RHUMC) bundled up and shivering, but by midday, they had a fall day truly worthy of a festival. Temperatures had warmed up and the golden, fall sunshine made browsing the vendors enjoyable.

This year’s Fall Fair event was hosted by Anna’s Mission, a 501(c) (3) domestic violence organization that was started in Southeastern Colorado in 2022. A handful of Rye Home United Methodist Church members worked tirelessly to get this organization started and continue its good works.

Anna’s Mission booth at the Fall Fair offered a very large silent auction of many baskets, hand-crafted items, vintage items, glassware, collectibles, and other desirable offerings. Other booths available to browse were a bake sale, face painting, goat milk soaps, unique handbags, free games to be played and much more!

Several local vendors set up shop to display their wares and bring attention to their businesses just before the busy holiday season kicks off.

RHUMC continued its annual tradition of offering a delicious homemade lunch, this year they featured the church members’ mouthwatering sloppy joes with all the yummy side dishes and homemade desserts.

Anna's Mission Inc. wants to help make the public aware that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. They hope to increase awareness that this isn't just a family issue. It is a community issue and they encourage everyone to support those you know and love. Anna's Mission is available to help and can be reached at 719-733-7353, or by email at