RCC Saddle Club to Host Royalty Clinic



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It is getting close to time to select a new royalty court for the Rye Colorado City (RCC) Saddle Club, and they want to help the contestants be prepared. There will be a clinic held on Saturday, September 30 for anyone interested in competing for the royalty positions.

While this clinic is being held primarily for RCC royalty contestants, organizer Pauli Boyd shared that the steps and information that will be reviewed would apply to any type of royalty contest. Everyone that is interested is welcome to attend to observe.

Training will be offered for all ages as the RCC will be looking for a queen in the 14-18 age bracket, a princess in the 9-12 age bracket, and a junior princess in the 8 and under bracket. The clinic is for both females and males as the RCC Saddle Club also has positions for Senior Horseman in the 14-18 age group, Mister Horseman in the 9-12 ages and Junior Horseman in the 8 and under category.

Boyd shared that at the clinic information will be shared breaking down just what the royalty contest consists of and how to participate. Contest etiquette and how to answer questions for the judges will be covered.

Among other things, horsemanship and riding will be addressed and the horsemanship riding pattern reviewed. The queen salute will be taught as well as the proper way to dismount a horse in the arena.

The clinic will be held at the RCC Arena in Colorado City at 5604 Cuerno Verde.

The actual RCC royalty contest will be held on Saturday, October 14. The riding portion will be held at the RCC arena, but the modeling and discussion portion may be held at a yet-to-be-determined location.

If you are interested in participating or observing, please get in contact with Pauli Boyd at 719568-1702 so she can get you a registration form and answer any questions you might have.