Letters to the Editor


Letter to the Editor

Topic: Lauren Boebert is No Friend to Veterans After moving every 2 years during our military career, my husband and I were happy to retire to Pueblo – “The Home of Heroes.” But I do not understand why “The Home of Heroes” and the rest of CD-3 continue to elect Lauren Boebert to Congress, when she repeatedly votes against Veterans.

In her first term in Congress, she made 15 anti-Veteran votes – while boasting of her support. The 15 ‘Noes’ included:

• Voting against treatment for exposure to toxic “Burn Pits.”

• Voting against automatic enrollment in the Dept. of Veterans Affairs healthcare.

• Voting against the National Defense Authorization Act which funds our military.

In her 2nd term this past Spring, she voted to cut funding for the 49,000 Veterans in CD-3 by supporting a bill that would gut healthcare for Veterans.

Lauren Boebert is no friend to Veterans. She keeps voting against Veterans instead of protecting those who serve and defend our nation. Let’s elect someone else to Congress – someone who is pro-Veteran.

Breta Ross Pueblo West The Ethics Game.

Democrats now dominate nearly every leading political and cultural institution in America. An important exception is the U.S.

Supreme Court, which after many decades finally has a majority of originalist Justices.

The situation has proved to be intolerable to Democrats, which unleashed a furious political attack on the current Court, especially Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. The media ran with it, claiming ethics violations without showing any real violations.

The Court finished another term with landmark rulings that barred racial preferences in admissions, overturned Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness, and supported the right for a business to dissent from progressive coercion – all 6-3 rulings displaying a proper understanding of the Constitution.

After the Court’s term finished, the Senate Democrats continued trashing the Justices. The Judiciary Committee is preparing to pass new rules under the guise of ethics reform that are intended to put the Justices on a political leash – the 'Supreme Court ethics, recusal, and transparency act.'

The act is all-encompassing, providing procedures in handling of such cases, and inviting ethics complaints alleging that a Justice violated the new rules or “has otherwise engaged in conduct that undermines the integrity of the Supreme Court” – an open-ended standard inviting groups, on the left and right, to file endless complaints against Justices, creating the appearance of wrongdoing or conflicts of interest.

Democrats are currently short on votes to break the Senate filibuster and pack the Court or their popular position of tenure for Justices, but watch out when they do.

Meantime, their ethics ruse is an attempt to intimidate and control the Justices by other means. It deserves to be called out as a betrayal of the Constitution that would destroy judicial independence.

You know, it's interesting that Congress is so interested in the ethics of the Judiciary, isn’t this like the pot calling the kettle black? One wonders how many members of Congress enter as paupers, maintain themselves on low six figure salaries during their tenures, and depart as multimillionaires. It reminds me of the quote of Harry Truman, 'Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician and I'll show you a crook.'

Enough said.

Anthony C. Power Letter to the Editor:

Sometimes I think we forget how lucky we are to live in the Greenhorn Valley.

The other day I was in Pueblo taking care of some errands. I stopped by a supermarket. I doublechecked that my car was locked and looked around to see if there were people that might be wanting to mug me. Then I realized that I forget to get my grocery bags out of the car, and once I got them I looked in the parking lot for a cart since there are often none inside the store. It took a long time to get a few basic items that were scattered all over the store. Then I got to the checkouts where I had to figure out how to check out the items, weigh the produce, and bag my own groceries.

Then on to the giant hardware store where I thought I might find a few screws to finish a table I am restoring. I found the department and guessed (wrong) at which screws would work and I had to buy more than I needed because they were in a sealed plastic container.

I wanted to find a quick and good burger for lunch, but nothing in Pueblo really seemed like it would be worth the trouble.

The next day I was still hunting for the screws for my table. I stopped by Ace Hardware and had the right screws in the right quantity in about 10 minutes. (It could have been faster, but I always like to say high to the store mascots and get a treat for my dog) Lunch time was tough, great burgers at Bolt and the Round Table Sports Grill at the Golf Course. (I went to the Round Table for the ribbon fries) I stopped by Valley Market for a few items. No problems in the Parking Lot, the Carts were just inside the door, a quick trip to the items in the store, a checker who rang up my groceries and put them in a bag. Done.

So Good To be Home.

Michael Baldauf Rye

Letters must contain appropriate language and focus on issues rather than individuals, must be signed and no longer than 350 words in length.

Limit two letters per month per writer. The View editorial staff reserves the right not to publish any letter deemed offensive, or malicious.

Submit letters to: editor@greenhornvalleyview. com