Letters to the Editor


Letter to the Editor:

Two different interactions, which sadly, I think this says a lot about today.

Recently I had a really difficult problem with an online order from a major retailer. I called their customer support, amazingly it was in the US. The nice young lady and I talked for a while trying to resolve the issue.

She got it fixed. Towards the end of the call, she said something like “ Thank you for being so polite and not angry”. I said, why would I bite the hand helping me? She said, “Many people would. I think everyone these days is just mad, and they take it out on others.”

I also met a nice young lady, much younger than I, and I asked her where her accent was from? She said “Russia.” I asked if her family was safe and she said “ They are all dead.” I did not ask any more questions.

Then she said, “I wish I was your age so I wouldn’t live to see what is coming.” I had no idea what to respond to that comment and her sad expression.

Steve LaHue Colorado City

Letter to the Editor:

My husband and I moved to Colorado City in March 2019.

We have mostly enjoyed our time here. Not too happy with the post office and water issues, but have managed to stay positive.

We have a beautiful view of Beckwith Lake from our home.

Almost immediately we took advantage of the treat of walking around the lake several times a week. We were impressed to see so many people, of all ages, also enjoy the area. From babies in strollers to senior citizens we see many there every time we walk.

We also see fisherman plus many types of water sports taking place. I would guess this is probably the most used recreational area in Colorado City.

Now, the reason for this letter.

A few days ago on July 1st I tripped on one of the many cracks in the sidewalk around the lake. I took a hard fall. This resulted in a broken arm and crowns on two of my chipped/cracked front teeth. I am still in a cast and will be for several weeks? Within minutes two people stopped to check on me and also shared they had fallen on this same sidewalk.

WHEN WILL SOMETHING BE DONE TO REPLACE IT? (Or get rid of it and put gravel down.) People who have lived here much longer that we have stated that years ago a grant was in place to fix the sidewalk.

What happed? I think it is wonderful that something is being done recently on the ball diamonds, park etc.

But you, the board for Colorado City, need to pay attention to this problem. It’s a very serious problem. Thank you for considering this letter as a priority.

Gerri Nickel

In Praise of Local Newspapers

Long time subscriber Gay Miller sent us this link. The story is in praise of local newspapers. We enjoyed it a great deal and thought some of you might as well. Thank you, Gay.


Letters must contain appropriate language and focus on issues rather than individuals, must be signed and no longer than 350 words in length.

Limit two letters per month per writer. The View editorial staff reserves the right not to publish any letter deemed offensive, or malicious.

Submit letters to: editor@greenhornvalleyview.com