Letters to the Editor


Letter to the Editor:

I am still laughing and smiling at your column about the GOP “debate”. Those were my thoughts, but just not phrased as funny as yours!

Roger T Castle Greenwood Village Letter to the Editor:

Any updates on the murder of Fred Ettleman and the murder problem in Pueblo?

He was shot in the south King Soopers parking lot the night of 24 February 2023 and later that night died at the hospital. Pueblo Police searched for and found a black Mustang automobile 'of interest' but since March, apparently nothing further revealed about the investigation. If you shop at King Soopers now, every 15 minutes you hear a recording reminding you to be aware of surroundings, not leave valuables in your vehicle etc. Perhaps this is a part of his legacy... from a Green Beret serving in the Vietnam War to a robotic warning to be aware there really are monsters in the dark. I wonder what a media query to the Pueblo Police might result in now? Probably a 'the case is still an active and ongoing investigation' response.

With reportedly 21 homicides in Pueblo so far in 2023 I wonder how many have been solved?

BTW, IIRC... Mr. Ettleman was number nine over seven months ago... Let's be careful out there for it seems clear that Pueblo can be dangerous in some areas, especially at night. https://www.bestplaces.net/cri me/?city1=50862000&city2=508 16000 Jack Finch Sikes Ranch

Letters must contain appropriate language and focus on issues rather than individuals, must be signed and no longer than 350 words in length. Limit two letters per month per writer. The View editorial staff reserves the right not to publish any letter deemed offensive, or malicious. Submit letters to: editor@greenhornvalleyview. com