Thessen Memorial


In Memoriam

  • John Thessen
    John Thessen


John Stanley Thessen
8/4/49 – 11/22/22
Cremated in Colorado, interred in Oregon
at a private memorial on Neptune Beach.
November 24, 2023
(44° N, 123° W)
Stellar weather today, clear blue sky, bright warm sun, temperatures
mid-fifties. The stark mountain backdrop splashed autumnal collages.
A calm breeze swept the wet rocky coast inundated with tide pools
teeming with sea stars. Surging seas rouse symphonically.
Near the foot of Klickitat Mountain, at the mouth of Cummins Creek
and the Pacific Ocean, there, atop the pristine sandy beach, the cremated ashes of John Thessen were placed, in advance of King Tides,
soon to sweep the shore.